Sunday, April 16

Happy Easter?

STUDIO 48 -- Happy Easter everyone! I have just arrived back in the Classic City after right at 51 hours back in GainesVegas. What an unproductive weekend, yet... exactly what I needed. I did a lot of thinking about a lot of things. I got some stout advice from some friends and my family. I am now ready to make some decisions about my future that I was completely not ready to even think about before. I guess it is fitting that I did this much pondering and reflecting on Easter weekend. It was good to get to go to church with my family. I have become one of those Christians that doesn’t always live my life the way I know to be best. Nothing like some time around my parents and then going to my old church to get me feeling guilty and tugging on my heart.

First) Can you really say “’Happy’ Easter”? I know that it is a happy holiday because Jesus died for our sins and rose again on the third day. I mean, it’s a friggin’ miracle. But, a man did die! I have trouble ‘celebrating’ death. I can see saying “Happy Passover”. After all... it is a holiday that celebrates the Angel of Death not taking the first-born of all the Jewish children in the bondage of Egypt. Then again, by celebrating the Angel of Death not taking the first-borns of all the Jewish households, aren’t we then celebrating the demise of all the first-born Egyptian children? Again, ‘celebrating’ death just isn’t my cup of tea.

Second) My worrying about my last two (or three) semesters at UGa is now over. It was my father, the same father who has put overbearing scholastic pressure on me since the second grade, who told me that “there are some things that you can control and that are worth worrying about, and all other worries are a waist of your time.” Poetic? Insightful? Interesting? Perhaps all of the above. Nonetheless, I am going to take the wiser Phillips’ advice and start worrying about the things that I can control and stop with my worries about the things of the past and the things of the future that I cannot control.

Third) I’m approaching a ‘DTR’ in my life. Some of you have heard me use that term and some have not. If you know what I’m talking about, then you can ask me about it. If you don’t, then stay tuned. I’ll update you all as soon as I achieve the juevos to go through with it.

Finally) Tomorrow should be the day that the RCB officers are announced for next fall. Needless to say, I am excited to get it over with. I like to maintain good, sold chemistry amongst the members of the section. Picking someone to lead them is rarely a way to achieve this. I can now say that no matter which direction the directors (kinda ironic that that is their title and their role in this process) decide to take our section, it will be good. We will move on from these bitter debates and be fine in the grand scheme. It’s like holding a job interview, except you rarely have to work with the people that you beat out when you get a job from an interview. Moving on when this is all over will take a lot of maturity from some people that don’t have much. For some reason, though... I have faith.

Stay tuned.......