Wednesday, November 30

The list(s) of favorite (and not so favorite) things/people...

STUDIO 48 – It occurred to me that I have been a 'blogger' for almost a week and haven’t told you guys anything about me... So here goes:

These lists should get you caught up in the world of Matt...

~These are a few of my favorite things/people.........
(in no particular order)

--sleeping in;
--meeting new people;
--north campus;
--swimming pools;
--the Florida game trip;
--deep conversations;
--spontaneous road trips;
--playing basketball;
--lake days (see also: water sports);
--roller coasters;
--Athens trivia nights;
--per diem;
--my family;
--eating peanut butter strait from the jar;
--Seinfeld re-runs;
--ridiculously long showers;
--classifying mullets;
--sweet tea;
--victory cigars;
--crisp autumn days;
--quoting movies;
--all-you-can-eat buffets;
--chilling out with friends (old and new);
--the yellow sauce @ Inoko’s;
--Krispy Kreme Doughnuts;
--Redcoats (it’s a love/hate relationship);
--Oreo Blizzards;
--long walks on the beach;
--afternoon naps;
--sitting in the car until the song is over;
--March Madness;
--staying up for Conan;
--girls that have the personality and character to equal their attractiveness;
--UGA baseball games;
--driving in the mountains;
--the silent majesty of a winter’s morn;
--singing in the shower;
--the antics of the Basketball Band;
--cuddling / snuggling;
--going home after a long time in Athens;
--getting back to Athens after a long time at home;
--bowl game trips;
--music! (country & rap do not qualify in this category);
--snow days;
--green Kool-Aid

~These are some things/people that make my life hard to tolerate.........
(in no particular order)

--alarm clocks;
--The French;
--Steve Spurrier;
--the color orange (includes the shades of AU, UF, UT, and Clem-p-son);
--Michael Adams;
--women who don’t know what they want;
--Parking Services (minions of the Anti-Christ);
--waiting in lines;
--classes in which attendance is taken;
--guys who are ‘Fratastic’ and ‘Sorostitutes’;
--liberals (some are nice, though);
--speed limits;
--The New York Yankees;
--SEC officials, umpires and referees;
--people who load/unload on Baldwin Street;
--Hurry up and wait;
--Dr. Phil;
--UGA students who wear shirts, hats & other apparel that support another school;
--people who talk on their cell phones IN CLASS;
--mono-tone professors;
--The North Ave. Trade School and it’s fans;
--people that wear air-brushed t-shirts from spring break;
--The Metric System;
--The BCS
--over-weight women that dress like they aren’t;
--fair-weather fans;
--reality TV;
--Mark May;
--Yankees who come to the south and brag about the north;
--The Arcade Police Department;
--the “preacher” at the Tate Plaza;
--Hilary Clinton;
--Gainesville High School University;
--consecutive rainy days;
--the mic “man”;
--know-it-all-s (see also: May, Adams, Oprah...etc.);
--GT nerds;

(You can also find these lists on My Facebook Profile.)

Tuesday, November 29

WOW, a win!

STUDIO 48 – The boy’s team won!
It wasn’t pretty. In fact, you might say it was the ugliest 25 point win in the history of college basketball. But heck! We’ll take any wins any way we can get them.
The basketball band was loud when they had to be, but mostly laid back. Ham Sjort and H.D. Capple went at it as usual because Moug Dackensie wasen’t there and H.D. took his spot on Sousa. I would say that Moug is about one miss away from being in deep with the directors. He’s already in deep with me. So deep, in fact, that I have given up on him.
I had to make a decision about who has to stay behind and play the game on Saturday and who goes on to Atlanta for the SEC Championship. Such decision making is not one of the perks of my job. Mr. K-ck decided that it should be Erc, A$hley and Moug (if he shows). They were not too happy about it, and I don’t blame them. We could have used their sound on Saturday morning. But it wasn’t my call.

All is well in the world of Matt. I’m feeling pretty close to good. We’ll see how long it lasts this time...

attitude = reality

STUDIO 48 – I have figured out that attitude is about 90% of reality. If I wake up thinking my day is going to suck, then it usually does. On the other hand, if I wake up and smile and think about how great my day is going to be, then the day is usually great. I think that this philosophy works with almost anything. Just speculating...

Illness, Women, SEC Championship & UG@ Basketball (pretty random!)

STUDIO 48 – I’m feeling somewhat better today. My breathing is almost back to normal and my body aches are tolerable. I’m grossing fewer people out with my drippy nose—and that is always good. Who knows, maybe I’ll be 100% by this weekend!

Alli$on and I had the ‘ole DTR (define the relationship) last night. We both are kinda in the same place... enjoying each other’s companionship, but not really having strong enough feelings to prompt us to commit to anything other than a close friendship. I think it will be nice not wondering about our relationship anymore. I won’t say we broke up because we were never really dating. I’m encountering relationships such as this more and more: girls that I try to date--but have zero romantic feelings for--but try to force things because the girl is just so perfect that I just assume that the feelings will come in time. Needless to say, I have made some incredible friendships over the last year, but I’m ready for something more.
I know very little about relationships, but I do know that it is never best to keep feelings to yourself. If the other person doesn’t know how you feel, then they will certainly not respond to it. Sure, they might rip your heart out, but the suffering you put yourself through by keeping your feelings bottled up to yourself is much worse than anything they might do to you. Rejection sucks either way. But it is better to have given it a chance and to have been shot down then to wonder about what might have been. I think I’m most comfortable being single and I used to be completely content being single. But those feelings are starting to change......
I’ll keep praying and being patient.

In lighter news...
The SEC Championship Game is only four days away. I promised myself that I wouldn’t get all excited and make a fool of myself, but I can tell already that I’m not going to make it. I really want to win this one. Going to tomorrow’s RCB rehearsal will only make my frenzy grow. Practice will be tough this week and rightfully so... We do have to compete with the G-lden B-nd from T-gerland and they are (pardon my redneckness) dern good. Memories from the utter embarrassment of two years ago are still oddly fresh in my mind and I’d love to reciprocate them to L$U. We shall see

Tonight is the first home men’s (boy’s?) basketball game. I’m very interested to see how this team shapes up. There is no way they will be as bad as last year. Basketball band promises to be a blast (again) with Mr. K-ck at the helm. He is assimilating to Georgia quite nicely.

More to come...

Monday, November 28

North Ave. Trade School

STUDIO 48 -- I'm still celebrating my Dawgs big win over the Dirt Daubers of GAy Tech. I witnessed a defensive battle on historic Grant Field. The final score was 14-7. After my second visit to the Joke next to Coke as a member of the R-dcoat B-nd, I can (without any reservation) say that the N.A.T.S.'s students and fans are the rudest of any that I have encountered. I have been to Death Valley (both Baton Rouge & Clem-p-son). I have been to Neyland Stadium. I have encountered fans from Florida and FSU. I have been to 'Bama and Auburn. None are as rude and violent as the Nerds of North Avenue. They hurled insults and cups of liquor at us all night. As a representative of THE University of Georgia, I was limited in how I could respond. I will say that any questions that I may have had as to the quantity of class possessed by Tech and its fans was answered with a resounding NONE. I will not dwell on there behavior for long, for I have to focus on winning the SEC Championship. But I hope to educate the insects on how to properly conduct themselves next year when we beat them between the hedges.

I'm a tool

STUDIO 48 -- Ok. I caved. I am now one those people that I have made so much fun of over the last year+. Sure, I made fun of you guys, but I also read your blogs and Xangas religiously. So now, I am one of you. Please welcome me with open arms.