Friday, August 24

Jean Shorts, Pabst, & Matt Walsh, Oh my!

WTF?!? If you don’t think the Gators are bad for the SEC, bad for fashion, bad for the future of music, and simply bad for America, then you clearly haven't seen this video. Before you watch, have a trash can and a bottle of PediaLyte ready. It is a truly horrible combination of portions of Grease and the B-52's', bred with the worst imaginable subject matter.

Go (Away) Gator Nation!

The wise man once said that if you want to look like an idiot, do the ‘Gator Chomp’. He truelly was full of wisdom (whoever he was) because from the two-year-old Gator in the stoned-washed jean shorts and aged shane Matthews jersey to the old New York transplant Gator, they all look absolutely ridiculous. They have the arrogance of Notre Dame and the tradition of Wake Forrest. My God, I hate them so much!

7 Days!

Go Gators? Go F Yourself!

Tuesday, August 21

A Little Fun @ 10 Days Out

Ah, yes… stereotypes!

Cutting out the middle man.

Just trying to get a leg up.

The arrogance of Notre Dame, the tradition of Wake Forrest, and the “classiest” fans of all.

And they call themselves the "smart" school.

Spelling 1001 at the Pat Dye School of Remedial Sociology.

Monday, August 13

Going back... not anymore :-(

I made a last minute trip back to the Classic City yesterday with RRB. The purpose of the trip was to help ‘The Diver’ get moved into his dorm. But, it turned out to be much more.

----The “new” dorms at the East Campus complex are not dorms at all, so don’t consider yourself dorming if you live there.----

It occurred to RRB and I that this is going to be the hardest part of moving on with our lives. We have always left Athens for the summer to pursue some various employment or travel opportunity. However, when the summer concluded, we always made it back to Athens and into our comfort zone. This summer has been no different. I have worked, traveled, made money, etc. However, now that the summer is concluding, I do not have the option of going back to my comfort zone. Instead, I am trying to figure out what is next. It is time to grow up. But, I don’t wanna.
As I left town last night, the site of ‘the group I used to be apart of’ rehearsing out on the IM fields was very appropriate. Without me.
I miss those guys (and gals). I miss watching them get into trouble and try to dig there way out and save face. I don’t really miss the activity (yet), but I do miss the people and the camaraderie. The site of that group moving on without me was a needed reminder that the world will move on now that I have moved on to something new – Something better? – Something different! – SOMETHING!