Monday, January 30

A case of the Mooondays?

STUDIO 48 -- Not much to report on today. I’m pretty busy with school crap this week, several papers and such. Kyle and I are putting together a sports trivia team to compete in the 960 ‘The Ref’ trivia challenge tomorrow evening. I don’t think we have much of a chance of winning because I don’t know crap about soccer, tennis, or hockey. We’ll see how that goes. I should be watching the State of the Union, but I’m going to tape it instead. Thanks to Erin, Lizzy and Carmen for helping me discover the fun (and frustrating) world of Su Do Ku. It is that crazy Japanese puzzle thingy in the newspaper that I have always just looked over. I had never done one and today... I finished it on the first try. Boo-ya! Anyway, Erin was right, even if I accomplish nothing else today, I will feel as though I have been productive because I finished that dang puzzle.


Sunday, January 29


STUDIO 48 -- In the middle of winter, there are several nights when the atmosphere is full of high pressure and you can look into the heavens and see forever. No matter the lights of a city or lack of lights in a hayfield can obstruct the most amazing painting ever fashioned. One of God’s masterpieces: the stars. They are only magnified if you are in the mountains or at the shore. Call me old-fashioned or soft, but a night just looking into the sky and simply pondering about things never gets old. I have solved the problems of the world many times over while star-gazing. Find a good spot, clear your mind and give it a try sometime.......

Wrongfully Accused

STUDIO 48 – Have you ever been pulled over by a member of local law enforcement for something that you totally didn’t do? Well, I am now on the list of people who have been wrongfully accused. On the way back to the Classic City this afternoon, I was pulled over for running a stop sign.
Let me paint the picture for you: I was approaching the intersection with plans to turn right. I noticed that there was a stop sign, but not for right turns... only a yield. I slowed down and checked to make sure that it was clear and then proceeded with my right turn. I noticed the cop on my left as I made the turn and thought nothing of it until he pulled a u-eee and turned on the blue lights. I pulled over and waited for him to approach my vehicle. Let me stress that I was completely respectful and not one bit sarcastic throughout our entire encounter. He asked me if I was aware that I had run a stop sign at the intersection. I responded with, “No sir, I didn’t know that you had to stop at that intersection to make a right turn. I though it was only a yield.” I could tell that he knew that he had made a mistake by the sheepish look now in his eye. He apologized and I shook his hand and the traumatic ordeal was over.
I’m not upset or anything, but let me ask you this: If we have to pay a fine, or serve a suspension, or punishment of some sort when a police officer catches us for breaking the law (even a traffic law), how come the officer does not have to pay me some money when he makes a wrongful accusation against me? If I have to fork over part of my bank account when I get caught in the wrong, then I think I should get to pad my bank account when I have to waist ten minutes getting pulled over for a something bogus. And I think the money should come from the young desperado cop’s own pocket. Just a thought.....

Friday, January 27

The best birthday ever?

STUDIO 48 – There are few nights in one’s life that you just know from the moment that it ended that it will become legendary, even if only in your circle of friends. Last night was surely one of those. It was the night that my roommates and some other old friends had designated as the night that they would take me out for my birthday. It was only four days late, but I was very understanding because we all have such hectic schedules.

The participants: Me, Keith, Rusty, Robert, Tom, Renee, Kevin, Kirsten, and Ally. The location: DePalma’s (downtown). We had a good time at the restaurant. It took along time to get a table and the service was typical of downtown Athens... slow... so you’ll (in theory) have more drinks. Keith and I did order a couple of drinks. It was my first time ordering one as a 21-year-old. We arrived at the establishment at about 8:00 and did not complete our meal and get the bill square until sometime after 11:00. It wasn’t so much that we were dragging our feet as it was that the waiter drug his. Luckily, the company was good and so the lengthy dinner didn’t cramp anyone’s style. After dinner, the gentlemen decided to venture out onto the back porch at our apartment and smoke cigars in honor of my birthday (editor’s note: as most of you know, I am very conservative and my friends are even more so than I, so we made a pact long ago that out cigar smoking wouldn’t become a habit and instead would only occur for ‘celebratory purposes’ [i.e.: Georgia victories, the end of finals...etc]. To be honest, ‘celebratory’ has been defined looser and looser as we have gotten older.). We were enjoying them and each other’s company when the ladies decided to join us out on the balcony and enjoy cigars themselves. It was quite odd and yet completely amazing. We all talked and had fun sharing old (and new) stories. I didn’t get into bed until around 3:00. Too bad I had an early morning class with Eva and the freshmen. Poor planning, I guess.

It was a good night for me and my friends. If any group had earned a night out, it was us. If nothing else the night reassured me that I am doing ok in life, that I should stop fretting about some of the things that I have been letting bother me over the last few weeks, and that I have some really cool friends. In the words of Billy Bob from Varsity Blue’s... I give last night “a ten!” One word... legendary. We will still be talking about it at our wedding receptions some day.

As you probably deducted, I overslept this morning and would have completely missed Eva’s class if it hadn’t been for Kirsten calling me to tell me that she too was running late. No harm done. I made it to class only five minutes late in my traditional over-slept look of tennis shoes, jeans, hooded-sweatshirt, and a cap along with glasses and an un-shaven stubble on my face. I looked good!

Do you ever have one of those moments where you make eye-contact in conversation with someone that you have (or had) feelings for, and she looks at you with the same look (kinda like puppy-eyes, but a little different)? Maybe you made an attempt with her and it just didn’t work out, or maybe there is something big (like a different religion, or belief, or background, or something) that is keeping you from making an attempt. But, nevertheless, you look at her and she looks at you and you wish things would have been or could be different. I had a moment like that this morning. It was weird, because I think we both realized that we were having one of those moments at the exact same time because we smiled at each other simultaneously. Moments such as these used to really make me frustrated. I have since been able to move past these situations and realize that there is a reason that we can’t get together and that that very reason would keep it from working if we ever did. It’s weird, but it is almost comforting to know that someone out there does actually have some sort of feelings for me that I share with them. They may never be spoken of and most likely never acted upon, but it is nice nonetheless. Smiles make everybody’s day better!

More later...

Wednesday, January 25

Disingenuous Relationships

STUDIO 48 – Isn’t it funny how when you first meet someone, especially someone who you might develop romantic feelings for, you tend to over-analyze everything you do, say, and even think? By acting like this, you prohibit yourself from acting like... well... yourself. I think that if you are with a girl that you are uncomfortable being yourself around, or worse yet, strive to be something other than yourself around, then you are in a bad relationship. I’m not saying that trying to be a better person is a bad thing or that we shouldn’t strive to be better for someone of whom you have developed feelings for. If there is one quality that everyone (male, female, Black White, Hispanic, Asian, gay, strait) is looking for in their relationships and from those that they are in relationships with, then it is authenticity. Even if you can’t admit it, you don’t want to be with someone who will not be genuine to you. If two people are have feelings for one another, yet are not genuine with one another, then how do they know that they really have feelings for one another and not for the alias created by their significant other? The answer, in short, is that they don’t.

Those of you who are very close to me know that recent events in lives of a few people close to me have prompted the venting in the particular Blog. It really pisses me off when people try to baby me and treat me like less of a man because I have been more particular about who I have dated this school year. Don’t say things to your new girlfriend like “Don’t touch Matt (editor’s note: this was said after a birthday wish and light shoulder pat from said girlfriend), he hasn’t had a girlfriend in five months, he might get aroused”. That is asinine! In fact, just recounting that event from 24 hours ago is getting me all stirred up again. What kind of friend says something like that to a friend in front of a girl? That is a question I am definitely going to have to do some pondering on over the next few weeks.

Sure, there was a time in my life that I would go out with any girl and every girl, especially if she was cute. Call it a tug from the conscience, or call it general maturation, or call it a new found respect for the dating relationship and how God wants me to pursue it, but this year has been different. I have been wiser. It was not a lack in opportunities, in fact their have been several. However, I was able to look at the big picture and ... God forbid!... think about the future over the present. Even though things have been kinda rough, I have learned so much about myself and my purpose by not being with anyone for an extended period of time. I know that this time is coming to a close and that I will be all the better for enduring and staying true to it. In short, I will not date anyone that I honestly can’t see a future with. It is a waste of both of our times.

Life goes on. I have dwelled on this stuff long enough. Thank you all for listening to me complain and moan about all this, I’ll try to make the next entry about something a little more uplifting and positive. I can’t promise too much, but I will say that in all likelihood a meadow and a Karen Carpenter song will be involved.

More to come.......

Monday, January 23

STUDIO 48 -- More and more people are mentioning to me that they are reading my Blog on a regular basis. It’s kinda cool, kinda humbling, and also kinda strange. I really need to be more careful about what I put on this thing. Hey guys... Don’t read too much into anything that I am writing on this Blog. It is just an outlet for me to vent about stuff and tell some stories from my world. But thanks for reading and I’ll try to keep it interesting.......

Too soon.......

STUDIO 48 -- Not much going on today. I can’t help but mention the tragedy that happened early Sunday morning in Russell Hall. On one hand, I feel terrible for that guy, his family and all his friends and hall mates. On the other, I can’t help but think... how irresponsible can a single group of people be? The guy (apparently) died of alcohol poisoning. You have to drink a whole friggin’ lot to get alcohol poisoning. What were the other people he was with thinking? They must have also been “tipsy” (or “hammered”, or “wasted”... etc) to not think: “Oh, my God. He’s pretty drunk. Maybe one of us should make sure he’s ok”. --or-- “We should take him to the hospital”.
It is an unfortunate turn of events, to say the least. I can’t help but worry that the new Athens-Clarke policy regarding underage consumption might have played a role in the group opting out a trip to the hospital. The policy now states that those who are underage caught drinking or drunk are no longer slapped on the wrist with a meaningless citation, but are now taken promptly to the Athens-Clarke Jail. Hey guys... a night in jail sucks and having to call your parents and tell them how you screwed up sucks worse, but both pale in comparison to untimely death. I hope that this terrible incident will wake up some individuals who abuse alcohol so that they can see how truly dangerous it can be. Please try to be responsible in the decisions that you make. I have been around people before who abuse alcohol on a fairly regular basis and I even consider some of them to be my friends. If I ever saw one of them in a situation where they had so much to drink that they needed medical attention, fear of punishment from the law would be the last thing on my mind.
Please try to take care of yourself and those around you. This is not the kind of story that I want to see on the front cover of the Red & Black. I want to see more in-depth, hard-hitting journalism like the article about the ‘Brumby Butt’. Anyway........

Sunday, January 22

Random list about women.......

STUDIO 48 – There are the top 10 things (a la Letterman) that girls can do/say to me that make me pliable dough in their hands.

10) When she isn't afraid to make a move.

9) When she starts a conversation with “Hey you.” (in that sexy voice like on 'Friends')

8) She is just as cool spending a night in (with a movie or whatever) as a night out.

7) When her personality and character are on the same level as her looks.

6) Can give a good backrub, and knows when I need it without my inquiry.

5) When she knows what she wants and knows how to articulate it.

4) Red ribbon in hair.

3) When she wears a hooded sweatshirt with blue jeans and tennis shoes. (Not all the time and not with all girls, but when done properly, this is amazing.)

2) The nose-wrinkling smile.

1) When she rubs me in that special spot on the back of my neck, kinda right behind and below my ears.

I'm only doing this list becuase number nine happened earlier today and got me thinking about things that women do that drive me up the wall (in a good way). Ehh........

Jan. 22nd

STUDIO 48 – The Lady Dawgs came up short. They played pretty well, but couldn’t finish. Final score: 65-64.

I want to take a quick moment to tell everyone who took time out of their Sunday to wish me a happy birthday how much I appreciate it. It has been a great day. It really makes me feel good to know how many people thought of me today (even if it was the FaceBook that reminded them). Thank you all so much.

I went out with S@m, Deen@, Ry@n, K@tie and Ky!e last night to the bowling alley. As if my game weren’t evidence enough, I will be the first to tell you that I am not a bowler... at all! But I did tie S@m in the last game. It was nice spending time with a group of people that I usually don’t spend that much time with. None of their stories were re-runs like often happens when you hang out with your closest circle of friends.

This morning I went to church and to K-bob’s for lunch with our neighbors. Again, it was nice to hang out with some different people. It turns out that they are not just looks. They are actually fun to talk to and hang out with as well. After lunch I made my way over to the coliseum for the game.

It is now 8:41 pm and the closest thing to alcohol that I have consumed since turning 21 is the rum in my tiramisu at the Olive G@rden. My dad asked me if I wanted anything, but I felt weird ordering it in front of my parents and especially my brothers. I’ll get over that eventually, but for now, we’re taking baby steps. I still want to set a good example for my younger brothers. I have done a good job of being prudent in my habits prior to being 21 and I think I will now show them how to live a responsible lifestyle post-21.

Saturday, January 21

Basketball Wins

STUDIO 48 – OK, I was wrong. The men’s team got the win. Ole Miss was not ready to play and the Dawgs played very well and overcame some horrific (or as we say in the SEC... typical) officiating to procure their second SEC victory. Go Dawgs! Now, we will see if the women’s team can climb an even steeper mountain tomorrow against (#3) LSU.

12 hours, 17 minutes to go...

STUDIO 48 -- OK, so it is Saturday January 21st, I have little-to-no agenda for today outside of a basketball game and maybe catching up on some reading. I‘ve had a lot going through my head lately (as shown in previous Blogs), So, perhaps a day like this one with hardly anything to do will be good for me.

I would like to start off with an apology. It is no secret that I haven’t been my usual jovial self lately and the reasons for this attitude change are very obscure, random, and yet complex. So I am going to make an effort to start worrying about today and not so much about tomorrow and yesterday. I think that by looking at the here and the now, you will stop worrying about the things that you can't change anyway. That doesn't mean don't plan for the future, or even for tomorrow, just don't dwell on it. There is no use in worrying about what will happen tomorrow because you don't know what will happen tomorrow, you might think you know, but you don't know for sure. You can't know for sure. It’s not your place to know what will happen tomorrow. I’m trying to take this lesson to heart.

I got to spend some time with my dad yesterday as he was in town for JanFest. (Have I mentioned how nice it is having zero responsibilities with JanFest this year?) It was nice getting to see him and allowing him to purchase a couple of meals for me. He has some upcoming difficult decisions regarding his career and how it is going to conclude. It was nice to help him forget about all that, even if just for one night. My parents are currently on the road to Nashville, TN for my great-uncle Lewis’ funeral. I didn’t know him all that well, but from all accounts, he was a great guy. He is leaving his body to Vanderbilt University, which I think is kinda cool. Mom and Dad will be back in the classic city tomorrow for the conclusion of JanFest and to take yours truly out for his birthday.

I learned the other day about someone who had feelings for me throughout the fall, but never said anything to me regarding these feelings. It is frustrating because, apparently, I led her on even though I didn’t know how she felt. I’m not sure how things would have been different if I had known or if they would have turned out differently at all, but I never like having someone hate me because they thought I “maliciously ignored their feelings”. I take a lot of pride in being a gentleman who never leaves a girl with ill feelings towards me. But this time, that didn’t work out too well. This entire situation just reassures me that I have no idea what women are thinking, I don’t understand them at all, and that I am somewhat dense. If you are the individual of whom I speak, I apologize sincerely for hurting you however unintentional it may have been.

So, umm, yeah. Tomorrow is my 21st birthday. I usually don’t like to make a big deal about my birthday, because as the proverb goes: “birthdays are like @$$-holes, everybody’s got one”. But this year, it seems impossible to avoid. So I’m going to confess my intentions to both of you reading this here and now. I have never had more than a sip of anything alcoholic. I made a commitment when I came to UGA not fall in to peer-pressure when it comes to drinking. To make decisions based on what I wanted and not what everyone else wanted me to be. My grandmother made a pact with me when I was twelve years old that if I could look her in the eye on the day I turned 21 and tell her that I had never had a drink, that she would cut me a check for $1,000. Friends, it has not been easy, but tomorrow, I cash in! That money will go along way in the ‘Matt goes to China fund’.

When it comes to my drinking habits post-21, I will be candid. I am not as conservative as I am often accused of being, and I don’t think that drinking is a sin. After all, Jesus drank wine. I think all things can be erroneous when abused... and drinking is no different. I do intend to have the occasional drink now that I am legal. I do not intend to go anywhere for the specific goal of getting blitzed, hammered, wasted, tipsy, or any other adjective that UGA students use to describe their over-indulgence of alcohol. A drink every once in a while is ok, but getting drunk is just not for me. Now that my intentions are known and that is all cleared up, we can move on.

We are in the middle of the craziest week of the season for basketball. I have to work four games in six days. Let me just say this, no matter what you may have heard, the basketball band is as clever and witty as it has ever been. It matters not who is the director or how good or bad the team is, the band is going to have their fun. This season is no different. Today the men play Ole Miss and tomorrow the women get #3 LSU in Stegeman. I’m not picking Georgia to win either game, but I’m also not counting them out.

More to come....
P.S.: Thanks for the Birthday wishes!

Friday, January 20

Shoot for the stars!

STUDIO 48 --

• “No flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris.”
– Orville Wright

• “Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?”
– Harry Warner (of Warner Brothers, 1927)

• “The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a ‘C,’ the idea must be feasible.”
– A Yale University professor’s comment on Fred Smith’s paper proposing an overnight delivery service, which would later become FedEx.

• “My imagination refuses to see any sort of submarine doing anything but suffocating its crew.”
– H.G. Wells

• “Everything that can be invented has been invented.”
– Charles H. Duell (Commissioner, US Office of Patents, 1899)

Sometimes, we sell ourselves short. I’m going to try to avoid such actions in the future, less someday a quote of mine wind up on this list.

• “... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home,"
– Christopher Columbus (before returning to Spain)

Thursday, January 19

STUDIO 48 -- T-Hump!!! I'm pretty jazzed about women's basketball. I might be over the line. Bring on LSU!

Wednesday, January 18

STUDIO 48 – Do you ever feel like you are at a crossroads in your life? I’m not talking so much about a decision to be made such as where to go to school or a job or anything, but just a general crossroads in the way you are going to live and progress as an individual. I guess that’s kinda where I am right now. I know that I am at UGA for at least three more semesters, so that’s pretty much taken care of. I don’t really have an issue when it comes to a job (current or future). So what’s the deal? Why do I feel like something is about to change in my life? I hope that this impending change is for the better. I certainly intend to make good decisions that will lead to positive change, but who knows? I’ll keep you all posted on this because I have no idea what the heck is going on, but I’m getting that feeling when you know its going to be something big.......


STUDIO 48 -- Bob talked about tapping into the fullness of God’s joy in my life tonight. I’ll be honest; it is something that I need to work on. I’ll try......

Monday, January 16

MLK Weekend...

STUDIO 48 – Ok, today is the day that we celebrate Dr. MLK Jr’s birthday. So in honor of this day I will open this Blog with an obligatory MLK day joke. “Today is a day of remembrance, of celebration, of honorarium, and of eating fried chicken, watermelon, chitterlings, and drinking Kool-Aid.” There, now that we have moved past that...

I feel like I spent the majority of this weekend on the road and that is because, well, I did. I went home Friday to watch my brother play basketball. Unless something strange happens, that will be the last game that I ever see him play because of my busy schedule, so I felt obliged to make the trip. He played a few minutes and the team looked sharp and upset cross-town (and by town, I mean village) foe Flowery Branch. They are 4-1 in region and tied for the lead.
On Saturday, I got to see my good friend Steven. He goes to school in Virginia, so we rarely get to hang out outside of some lake days during the summer when he is back in Georgia. This trip was different because he brought a girl with him. For those of you who don’t know him, dating the same girl to the point that he feels comfortable introducing her to his family is quite a mature step. We have both been accused of kinda... “dating-around” in the past (that’s a play on “sleeping-around” for those of you who didn’t catch that. But I don’t sleep-around, so I was a date-slut of sorts in the past). Heck, I guess the past is truly coming to an end, whatever that means. Her family is from Texas and her brother wants to attend the Univer$ity of Georg!a as soon as he graduates high school, so I brought her down here to show her around a little bit. It was the coldest it has been in quite sometime, so the majority of our tour was done inside of while driving. She is a music major so I took them out to East Campus to show her ‘The Hugh’. She was very impressed with the facilities. I think the size of the campus overwhelmed her. All-in-all, it was a good trip I could not be more excited for my friend. She is awesome and a great compliment for him. Upon returning to Gaines-Vegas, we decided to go to a local establishment and enjoy each others company and some good food. Afterwards, we went to Lakewood and (this may sound childish and immature) played Sardines. For those of you who don’t know, the game of Sardines is the inverse of hide-N-seek. One person hides and everyone else searches, only when you find the person that is hiding, you hide with them. This continues until there is one poor soul still searching and noticing that everyone else is gone. Oh, did I mention that the game is played in complete darkness? It is called sardines because the hiding spot gets pretty crammed as more and more individuals attempt to hide there. I returned back home around 1:00.
On Sunday, I was scheduled to speak to the college ministry at Lakewood. I got there on time and with no drama. I delivered my short, but poignant devotional, did some meet-N-greet with some people that I rarely get to see, and then had to get out of there. I changed into my basketball band uniform while driving (very briskly) down 129 to Athens. I made it to Stegeman to catch the bus to the Russell Athletic College Shoot-Out at the Gwinnett Center Arena in Duluth. The Lady Dawgs blew out the University of Miami (AKA “The U” for a bunch of tools on ESPN). The day was fun and I enjoyed the company immensely and even had a brief moment with Mr. K-ck. Maybe I should get off his back a little bit, he is still learning after all and he is very cool to talk to. I really do enjoy the people in RedCo@ts, but the people have never been an issue.
Today, I have been kinda lazy. I slept in, and then played Ultimate at SECP. It was very enjoyable. If I keep this up, I might get back into decent shape after all.
Tomorrow promises to be a LONG day as I will leave Studio 48 around 9:30 AM and not return until around Midnight. Wow, if I make it through this semester in one piece, I will have some amazing character built up.

Friday, January 13

One Week Down!

GAINES-VEGAS -- One week down! It was perhaps the hardest, busiest, most difficult, most stressful first week of a semester that I have ever had and that includes four years of high school and my three years here at THE University of Georgia. I will say this: It started decent, went down the crapper to a state in which I assumed that I was doomed to suffer harshly for an entire semester and that it may cost me my very life, and then made a steep return over Thursday and Friday. Thanks to April Longsinger, who is my new best friend in the Speech Comm. Dept., I got the class that I spoke of earlier and, in the process, soundly defeated OASIS and the filthy nerds who created it for, at least, one more semester. In the immortal words of Leonard Pope, “I is on track of graduating”. Thank you Jesus that Mr. Pope is turning pro early and will never possess a diploma with both his name and that of THE University of Georgia on it. The value of my future degree still holds some weight.

As I read the AJC and took ten minutes to chill out this morning on the second floor of the SLC, a few individuals stopped by to chat and hang out briefly. I respect these people and enjoyed their company a great deal. To be honest, their visit was all it took to make today a good day. I hope that our path’s cross again at around 10:00 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays! ;-)

I am at home tonight to watch the region-leading West Hall Spartans (my alma mater) play basketball against Flowery Branch. I rarely ever take the opportunity to come back and see them play, but decided that I would be a good brother and support Ryan as he continues to battle back from the broken leg. I’m not sure how much he will play because he is still considerably slow and the plate in his leg causes significant swelling if he runs on it too many minutes at a time. No matter his minutes it will be cool to see another Phillips donning the navy and silver. Plus I hope we pull out a win.

I’m taking a mini-road trip tomorrow with Kevo, Stevo and his new lady-friend. I’m looking forward to meeting her because he has alluded that he “really likes her” and (those of you that know Steve know that) those are serious words from Steven Pett-it. Stevo’s tract record with women is even more sporadic than mine. We once had a contest to see who could date a girl the longest. It’s not that we were being shallow, but that we both wanted to “settle down” a little bit and be a little less picky when it comes to women. I know, I know… keeping scores or records when it comes to women and relationships is wrong. So, needless to say, I’m looking forward to meeting this girl and judging her as harshly as I possibly can (just kidding, but not really). I would expect Kevin and Steven to do the samefor me if I ever find a girl that I “really like”. What are friends for?

I’m speaking at Lakewood this Sunday for the first time in a year and a half. This time, it is not in front of high school students (who thought I knew what I was talking about just because I was in college), but in front of my fellow college students. I never get nervous when speaking in front of groups (since that is what I want to do with my life), but I’m definitely a little more urgent and purposeful in my preparation for this particular engagement. I’m speaking on “Waiting Faithfully on God and His Will”. I’m using the story of Moses and how he became impatient with God as the he and the Israelites wondered through the Sinai Desert for forty years and some scripture from the first chapter of James. Maybe I’ll teach myself a lesson as I strive to get it across to everyone else.

Ok, well, that should about do it for today. I won’t write another entry until I return to the Classic City on Monday afternoon. Have a great MLK Day everybody!

Thursday, January 12


FORT SUMNER, NEW MEXICO (AP) -- A mouse got its revenge against a homeowner who tried to dispose of it in a pile of burning leaves. The blazing creature ran back to the man's house and set it on fire. Luciano Mares, 81, of Fort Sumner said he caught the mouse inside his house and wanted to get rid of it. "I had some leaves burning outside, so I threw it in the fire, and the mouse was on fire and ran back at the house," Mares said from a motel room Saturday. Village Fire Chief Juan Chavez said the burning mouse ran to just beneath a window, and the flames spread up from there and throughout the house. No one was hurt inside, but the home and everything in it was destroyed. Unseasonably dry and windy conditions have charred more than 53,000 acres and destroyed 10 homes in southeastern New Mexico in recent weeks. "I've seen numerous house fires," village Fire Department Capt. Jim Lyssy said, "but nothing as unique as this one."

Wednesday, January 11

What is the philosophy of philosophy?

STUDIO 48 -- I have decided, after reading 45 pages from my Philosophy 2200 (Ethics) “text book”, that the entire field of Philosophy is a bunch of over-educated losers who possess the intolerable skill of writing down hundreds of pages worth of useless mumbo-jumbo and then getting suckers like me to purchase said mumbo for $50. The University system in America is flawed on so many levels and the fact that we recognize Philosophy as a legitimate class and major should be at the top of the list. (editor’s note: I apologize to all philosophy majors as well as general aficionados of the field of philosophy for my comments in this Blog)

More to come on this for sure as the semester advances......

Howard Dean, OASIS, Fat-A, Eva Longoria, and All You Need is Love (yeah random!)

SLC – I don’t care how crappy my day/week/life is going, when I listen to that clip of Howard Dean screaming after the Iowa Caucuses before the 2004 election, it just makes me smile. I mean, if I was a speech writer for Howard Dean and I was standing beside the stage when he delivered that calm, poignant, reserved speech after finishing THIRD in Iowa, I would have turned quietly and left the campaign to quickly update my resume and hopefully get on board with a candidate with less of a loose fuse.

I got another set back in OASIS-gate ’06 today. It appears that I am, in fact, going to be unable to get this class that I really needed. I’m going to take this in stride and blame myself (along with OASIS & the Speech Communication Dept.) for not knowing the rules and for being one hour short of what I needed to get to register for the coarse early. Lesson learned. Next time I’ll be smarter, wiser, and really pissed so I’ll work harder.

I got this fancy digital scale for Christmas. It has ‘Sharper Image’ written all over it. It tells you your weight, body fat %, hydration, and will calculate your BMI. Santa brought it to me and it has been a fun way to make friends and family feel awkward. My mother forced everyone to leave the room while she stood on it. I’m not sure what it said, but she promptly went outside to smoke a cigarette and then returned to declare that she was on a diet. News of the diet hit my dad and brothers hard as they now have to eat that diet crap too. They were not as pleased as I was with my new gift. Luckily, I’m back in Athens and can enjoy the true college way which includes eating crappy food while remaining inactive and exploiting my above average metabolism. For the Record, let me say that I am a (soon-to-be) 21 year old male, am 6’ 0” tall, weigh 169 lbs, my body fat is 12.2%, my body hydration is “normal-to-high” and my BMI is within the “very athletic” range. Thank you Sharper Image for making me feel better about myself.
Upon my return to Studio 48 after the break, all of my room mates and Renee voluntarily took a turn on the “magic” scale. I’m not sure how to say this, but apparently (and by “apparently”, I actually mean according to one particular room mate) being in the average category is no longer a good thing as one room mate took his readings, saw that they were in the “normal” range and then declared that he was a “Fat A”. Two of the Studio 48 boys (including myself) had a 13 or below body fat % and were considered to be “very athletic” by the scale. Nothing like a digital scale to completely bash your self image or make you feel great again. (Editor’s note: let it be duly noted that I didn’t reveal the identities of anyone’s actual weight, body fat % or BMI other than myself in this Blog entry. Also, it is completely ok to be in the “normal” category. That’s what makes it normal. Normality does not = Fat A.)

I’m taking Interpersonal Communication (SPCM 1500) this semester. It seemed like a step back, but I will end up needing it to graduate, so I humbled myself and did it. I’m up early on M/W/F with a bunch of freshmen taking this entry level coarse. I wasn’t looking forward to it until the professor walked in on the first day. I’m not saying that I fully intend to end up with anyone other than a local girl, but there is something really attractive about a foreign female. This instructor, who is a doctoral candidate (and only 23 years old), is nothing short of fine. She is of the same Latino flavor as Salma Hayek or Eva Longoria. Me Gusta! Needless to say, I will not have a problem with the attendance policy in this particular class.

I have received three emails regarding my previous Blog inquiring as to “how are you doing today” and “are you doing alright”. Let me take this opportunity to tell you all (Apparently I have more than two readers) that I will be ok and pull through this ‘slump’. I guess I’m just going through an emotional low, but all will be ok in time. I can’t tell you guys how appreciative, or flattered I was at the responses. It really helped make a dreadful day into, well, still a dreadful day, but on a lesser scale.

More later...

Tuesday, January 10

Nostalgic, but why?

STUDIO 48 -- Its two days into my sixth semester at THE University of Georgia and I’m struggling big-time. I don’t think I’m depressed, but I feel kinda like I assume a person who is depressed would feel. (Stream on Consciousness: I’m watching the UK/Vandy basketball game on ESPN and a Vandy player definitely just drug his pivot foot and got away with it. Dang those SEC officials!) I just haven’t felt like myself lately. It’s like I’m wearing really heavy clothing and its just weighing me down. I’m having trouble motivating myself to do anything. The beginning of a semester is not a good time to have motivation issues. I don’t think this feeling of drowsiness or sluggishness can be attributed to any one thing. I mean: All-in-all my life is really good right now and to be honest, always has been.
I guess my ongoing fiasco with the Speech Com department and OASIS is a big contributor. This thing could cause me to be here an additional semester which isn’t always a bad thing, but it is really working my nerves.
I might also be experiencing college football withdrawals. I love the sport of basketball as a whole more than football. But my team has always and will always be the Dawgs on a Saturday afternoon ‘betwixt the hedges’. Not that I’m counting or anything, but it is only 234 days until kickoff.
This semester is going to be a bear. There is no sign of relaxation for the next four months. I’m ok with this under normal easy-going circumstances, but this is not the best time and it is contributing to my gloom.
I guess the fact that all my friends are maturing and thinking about the future and have a general direction for their lives is also reminding me that I am not thinking about the future and have no general direction for my life, especially my life after college. One room mate is engaged (big-time). Another is in a serious relationship that quite frankly makes me sick to my stomach. They seem unable to spend more than twelve consecutive minutes apart and no more than three minutes without calling or text messaging one another. Friends from back home are making ill-advised decisions involving women and their future with them. Steven, my go-to-guy when it comes to “be single and enjoy it” has taken up a serious girlfriend for the first time since we became friends some five years ago. Lobert Rundy is dating a girl that by all accounts is “The kind of girl you marry, not just the kind you date.” What happened to the good ole days when Lobert couldn’t go more than thirty seconds without double-taking an attractive female he would see on campus and I was considered the level-headed one when it came to women? I’m not questioning where I am because I know that it will all work out, but it is very hard not to settle when everyone else seems to be “settling down.” I’m not ready to settle down, but I would like a real date with someone that I consider to be a candidate for something more serious than a glorified fling. It is not that far off. (Stream on Consciousness: UK has made an amazing comeback and has cut Vandy’s lead to two points. Both teams appear to be scary and will, in all likelihood, beat the starch out of Georgia and we have to play each of them twice.)
I’m trying to be positive through this “slump” in my life, but it is hard. My closet friends don’t have time for me because, all at the same time, they have all made commitments of some degree and substance. Isn’t it funny how when you are in a position to make a commitment with someone, you baulk and act distant and aloof and when you think you are most in a position to make a commitment, there is no one in your life to commit to? (Stream on Consciousness: UK has taken the lead 42-41 with 5:30 to play. Now 43-42, Vandy with 5:00 to play.)
I’ll pull through this and I know that I need to suck it up and quit whining because these problems aren’t real problems but simply ones that I have let become problems in my head. I need to quit acting like a female, but I don’t want to. I want to curl up on the couch with a half-pint of Edy’s Cookies and Cream and watch Dirty Dancing. LOL J Just kidding! (Except the part about the ice cream, because that sounds really good right about now.)

In other news...
I’m putting the finishing touches on a devotion that I am leading at my home church this Sunday. It has been a long time, but I am really looking forward to standing in front of a crowd again. I hope I don’t suck. I think I am going to speak (ironically enough) about patiently waiting on God and his will. Maybe I should read the scripture and practice what I preach... literally.

More to come later, but for now I’m going to hit up that ice cream.......

Monday, January 9

Not the best start...

STUDIO 48 – Just a brief word to all parties that are making the beginning of my semester difficult: You all eat it. This list includes the big wigs in the UGA Speech Communication department, Charter Cable, the person who talks on their cell phone while trying to do business with a customer service rep at Charter Cable and all parties that are responsible for the creation and management of OASIS. I’ll share more about it when I’m less upset, but for now, all of the parties named above can “go be fruitful and multiply".
Hope you are all having a great start to a great semester and I’ll add more later... :-)

Saturday, January 7

Back in The Classic City... for good

STUDIO 48 -- I am back in The Classic City... for good. My time in Gaines-Vegas has been good. I feel very rested and ready to do well in another semester. The fact that there will be no football to break up the juggernaut of a lengthy semester is concerning, but I will somehow forge on. Basketball and later baseball will somehow have to take the place of football. Today was not the best start to that as the men’s team forgot to defend against the three as the gay-tors came to Stegeman and beat my Dawgs by 18 points. I still stand by my earlier declaration that Georgia will surprise some people this year by sheer hustle and will. Needless-to-say... an 18 point loss at home hurts, especially to the hated gay-tors. Tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity. The women’s team will battle the same gay-tors and I’ll be there and as obnoxious as ever. We’ve got to beat that trashy school at something and I’m counting on my Lady-Dawgs to do what they usually do... Win when we need it most. We got our hockey jerseys today and I definitely approve of the new basketball band look.

I made a rare decision to go out with a girl based solely on her looks and as one might expect... it backfired big-time. God has slapped me in the face with this lesson many times before and just when it appeared that I had taken it to heart, I do something like this. It was very stupid, desperate and pathetic, but I did not think about the consequences. It was shallow. She was popular (and pretty) in high school and had no time for a band geek like myself. After running in to her in the grocery store I acted on a rare piece on spontaneity and asked her out. Big mistake! As pretty as she (still) was on the outside, she couldn’t carry on a conversation or get my since of humor. I promise to both of you (my loyal readers) that I will never act on a shallow urge such as that ever again. I want to end up with an attractive girl, but I absolutely can’t spend any quantity of time with a girl that is not smart enough to (at least) keep up with me in a conversation. Now I’ve got to find that girl that is smart, morally strong with a strong faith and yes... I’ll say it: I hope that she will be attractive.

In other news...
After my interesting date-escapades from over the winter holiday, I have, for the first time in a LONG TIME, no females on the horizon. It is kinda weird and at the same time, really nice. I know that it won’t last, but for right now, it is just what I need. God bless my broken road.....
I am now completely over the letdown of the Sugar Bowl. It was ruff, but we will live to fight another day and our recruiting class tells me that the Dawgs are going to be playing in many BCS bowls over the next few years. I still have my concerns about our defensive coaching staff. I really think that they botched up our bowl preparation and did not make the necessary adjustments in-game to help the boys overcome the early deficit. I know that Coach Richt is very loyal to his staff, but I think that Coach Willie is in over his head and way out of his league. There, now that I have published those comments on the internet, you can all shove them back in my face when our defense is ranked in the top ten nationally next season. I hope that you do. It is only 236 days until the kickoff of the 2006 College Football season and I’m already mentally prepared to get it started. I will use the next 235 days to get my body back to full strength and health so that I can be at my best when next I march betwixt the hedges. I’m a tool!......
I’m ready for China ’06!.......

In other sporting news...
Marcus Vick is an idiot and I hope that no NFL team is stupid enough to give him a shot. The fool stepped on the knee of a defender from Louisville with his cleat after a play in last weeks bowl game. The tally sheet shows 1 rape, 1 statutory rape, 1 count underage possession, 1 DUI, 3 counts of unsportsmanlike conduct run amuck, and the contributing to the delinquency of a minor. What an idiot!......
The Yankees are the biggest bunch or cheating hookers that there has ever been in professional sports. If they don’t win it all this year with the group of All-Stars that papa George has assembled, then they should clean house from the top on down and start over from scratch......
I wish that Vince Young had a better throwing release so that there would be no reason for him the be any lower than #1 in the upcoming NFL draft (editor’s note; assuming that he doesn’t go back to Texas for his senior year.. yeah right!). Reggie Bush showed his backside in the Rose Bowl and should be punished by being dropped to (God forbid!) #2 in the draft......
Georgia has another player in trouble in the off season and the off season is only four days old! I wish that Coach Richt would just make an example of this one and kick him to the curb!......
For the first time in 3+ seasons the West Hall boy’s basketball team is leading the jam-packed region. Go Spartans!......
The Colts should win it all!.......

More later.......

Tuesday, January 3

Not so sweet...... or is it?

STUDIO 48 -- It has been several weeks since my last correspondence. I apologize, but the internet in Gains Vegas is so slow that it frustrates me, so I avoid it (for the most part) while at home. My holiday break has been very good, very laid back, and much needed.

Yeah, well... we lost. Our defense just wasn’t prepared (thanks Willie). It hurts, but I’m moving on. The Sugar Bowl trip was more fun than I anticipated. I was worried that the location would hinder, but it was not a problem. As my third year in the Redcoat band comes to a close, I reflect back on the experiences that I have had as a part of this organization. There have been more good ones than bad. I have changed a lot over the past three years for the better and I have watched others do the same. The Redcoat Band is a love hate thing: You don’t like most of it when it happens, but realize months later that you were having a blast and didn’t take time to soak it up. It’s the people that make it that way. While you were running set to set on a Saturday morning and contemplating “why?”, you should have looked around and realized that the hell that you are going through is really heaven because of who you are going through it with. 400 individuals, compiled together in red and black patches of wool, nylon, and sequins, it sounds absurd and to be honest... it is. But I love it! I love those individuals and I love the entity that they form when they suit up on Saturdays.
I will end the suspense now: I will return for another year. As frustrated as I became with the directors and the whole bureaucracy, I just love the Band, its history, the free football and the people too much to pass up an opportunity to go at it one more time. My status as section leader may still be up in the air, but that decision is higher up than me. , so I am not worrying about it.
If I feel this sappy after one of the toughest losses in the history of Georgia football, imagine the Lifetime feature I would have written if we would have won. Wow! I will leave you all now and will continue the stream of consciousness that is my Blog at a later time.......