Sunday, January 22

Random list about women.......

STUDIO 48 – There are the top 10 things (a la Letterman) that girls can do/say to me that make me pliable dough in their hands.

10) When she isn't afraid to make a move.

9) When she starts a conversation with “Hey you.” (in that sexy voice like on 'Friends')

8) She is just as cool spending a night in (with a movie or whatever) as a night out.

7) When her personality and character are on the same level as her looks.

6) Can give a good backrub, and knows when I need it without my inquiry.

5) When she knows what she wants and knows how to articulate it.

4) Red ribbon in hair.

3) When she wears a hooded sweatshirt with blue jeans and tennis shoes. (Not all the time and not with all girls, but when done properly, this is amazing.)

2) The nose-wrinkling smile.

1) When she rubs me in that special spot on the back of my neck, kinda right behind and below my ears.

I'm only doing this list becuase number nine happened earlier today and got me thinking about things that women do that drive me up the wall (in a good way). Ehh........