Monday, February 6


STUDIO 48 – I’ve stated on this Blog before that your attitude about a given subject directly effects how you perceive that subject and ultimately how that subject is (in your mind, anyway). I really believe this, yet I still have days in which I just can’t get past a negative attitude. I awoke this morning to a truly gloomy day. It was kinda foggy, completely overcast with a wintry mix falling from the sky. Yet, the temperature was over freezing, so nothing stuck to the ground which means that I had to go to class. Once I got there, it wasn’t all that bad.

When I’m having a negative day like today, I often judge the things that I am fond of, or even love in an overly-harsh manner. Today, UGA as a whole was my topic. Let the judging begin...

1) Why is there a staircase in Joe Brown Hall that literally leads to nowhere?

2) Why are the double doors on the front of Peabody Hall two different sizes?

3) Why is it necessary for every member of every sorority on campus to pull out there phone as soon as they exit a class to call an unknown on the other end of the line to say “I’m out of class now”. Give said unknown person a copy of your bleepin’ schedule.

4) What were the higher-ups at the University thinking when they hired the architects of the science buildings (chemistry, physics, biology, geography, statistics) on south campus? They are eye sores.

5) When you add on to a building, isn’t customary to try to duplicate the architecture of the original structure? Someone forgot to tell the people who added on to the law school, main library, and forestry school.

6) Why is it such a sin for creepy iPod kid to look up and smile at people as he/she passes them on campus?

7) When you go to a large, successful school, why do you find it necessary to wear crap from other schools? No one is stopping you, so go there.

8) I am the pedestrian... I have the right-of way!

9) Mike Adams is a great fund-raiser and an amazing politician, but when you get past all the fluff, he is not a very good president. (And why does his wife make 60,000 a year just for being his wife?)

10) Don’t drink/inhale/snort/inject stuff into your body that will kill you. It is just not smart.

I’ll be more positive later.......