Wednesday, February 15

The day after VD........

STUDIO 48 – Ok, so yesterday was my first Valentine’s Day as an upstanding member of the singles community since I was old enough to know that it sucks to be single on Valentine’s Day. I now know what all the singles have been complaining about all these years. It is absolutely no fun to watch other people exchanging meaningless, commercialized gifts. Sure, it is a nice enough day when you have a lovely lady (or guy, if that be your cup of tea) on your arm as you enter a crowded restaurant full of other couples. Is this festivity really about love, or is it about showing off your significant other or just showing off the fact that you have a significant other at all? The truth is that I didn’t really care for this day when I had a significant other. I believe it to be a commercialized excuse to do what we should do every day of the year: Treat someone that you presumably love as though you... well... LOVE THEM. If you need a box of chocolates and some over-priced flowers to prove to someone that you have feelings for them, then you might be in a shallow relationship. For the record, I have cleverly decided to substitute “VD” for “Valentine’s Day” and “February 14th” for the remainder of this Blog entry.

Seeing this day from the other side has taught me a few things:

1) Women control men 364 days a year and on that 365th (AKA: VD), they actually procure a pair of the man’s pants and put them on to signify the fact that the man has been officially neutered. Not that I’m against women or think that they are anything less than men, but I’m just pointing out the obvious.

2) 92.6% of all relationships are fabricated or disingenuous. This fact becomes blatantly obvious to the innocent bystander on VD. If only the ‘happy couple’ were able to see what the rest of us are seeing before it is too late.

3) I have a couple of amazing friends. They thought of me on VD and helped to make sure that I wasn’t stuck at home by myself. I like both of the girls that they are dating, so I hope the following statement is never applicable, but if they are ever single on VD, then I will surely return the favor. ytsuR, htieK, eeneR, and netsriK..... I love you guys!

4) Chocolate and those mint conversation hearts go on sale the day after VD. Yummy!

5) It is ok to be single on VD as long as you are ok with yourself. I know that being single right now is a choice that I am making. God has a plan for me and right now that plan requires that I not spend $45 for a dozen roses. I know that He has good things planned for me down the road, but to be honest, things are pretty good right now.

6) If I am ever blessed to be in a position to return to the “taken” side of VD, then I will remember how it felt as a single to watch people publicly behave in manners that are not acceptable the other 364 days of the year and will have enough respect for everyone around me to not do them.

OK, well... that’s about enough bantering about VD and all that goes along with it. I am really not bitter about it. Seriously! I will say, however, that this has been a good experience for me and I plan to use my newfound intellect of the issue in the future. Have a happy day after VD.........