Friday, December 9

Home before finals???

GAINES-VEGAS – I’m at home even though it is the weekend before finals. I'm only in town from today (Friday) until Tuesday. It is not a trip that I would have made voluntarily, but I was offered an opportunity to perform in the Christmas presentation at my home church. It would have been simple to simply turn them down, as it is time for finals and there are plenty of other things that I might occupy my time with, but I decided to go for it. I am afraid that there are big changes afoot at this church. I’m not one to assume that all change is bad, but I’m really afraid that this might be my last opportunity to be apart of something like this. Please pray for this church.

I had been sort of regretting my commitment to this for several weeks, even going so far as to search for reasons to skip rehearsal. When I try to make decisions on my own, I am consistently slapped in the face by God. One such slap came last night as I crossed the bridge over the lake and into town. It was overcast and the lights of the city made the night sky glow a reddish-orange color that was truly breathtaking. As I crossed the bridge and looked off into the distance across the water, I could see lights from the cabins on the mountains. It couldn’t have been any more amazing. But then it was. The bridge across Lake Lanier is almost ¼ of a mile long. As I reached the half way point, it started to snow… abundantly. As you all know, we don’t get a lot of snow in Georgia in December, but it was truly special. It was at that point that I knew that my purpose for being apart of this was bigger than me and that God would use me in spite of myself and my poor attitude. This is a lesson that He has taught me many times before. I hope it sticks this time.