Wednesday, January 11

Howard Dean, OASIS, Fat-A, Eva Longoria, and All You Need is Love (yeah random!)

SLC – I don’t care how crappy my day/week/life is going, when I listen to that clip of Howard Dean screaming after the Iowa Caucuses before the 2004 election, it just makes me smile. I mean, if I was a speech writer for Howard Dean and I was standing beside the stage when he delivered that calm, poignant, reserved speech after finishing THIRD in Iowa, I would have turned quietly and left the campaign to quickly update my resume and hopefully get on board with a candidate with less of a loose fuse.

I got another set back in OASIS-gate ’06 today. It appears that I am, in fact, going to be unable to get this class that I really needed. I’m going to take this in stride and blame myself (along with OASIS & the Speech Communication Dept.) for not knowing the rules and for being one hour short of what I needed to get to register for the coarse early. Lesson learned. Next time I’ll be smarter, wiser, and really pissed so I’ll work harder.

I got this fancy digital scale for Christmas. It has ‘Sharper Image’ written all over it. It tells you your weight, body fat %, hydration, and will calculate your BMI. Santa brought it to me and it has been a fun way to make friends and family feel awkward. My mother forced everyone to leave the room while she stood on it. I’m not sure what it said, but she promptly went outside to smoke a cigarette and then returned to declare that she was on a diet. News of the diet hit my dad and brothers hard as they now have to eat that diet crap too. They were not as pleased as I was with my new gift. Luckily, I’m back in Athens and can enjoy the true college way which includes eating crappy food while remaining inactive and exploiting my above average metabolism. For the Record, let me say that I am a (soon-to-be) 21 year old male, am 6’ 0” tall, weigh 169 lbs, my body fat is 12.2%, my body hydration is “normal-to-high” and my BMI is within the “very athletic” range. Thank you Sharper Image for making me feel better about myself.
Upon my return to Studio 48 after the break, all of my room mates and Renee voluntarily took a turn on the “magic” scale. I’m not sure how to say this, but apparently (and by “apparently”, I actually mean according to one particular room mate) being in the average category is no longer a good thing as one room mate took his readings, saw that they were in the “normal” range and then declared that he was a “Fat A”. Two of the Studio 48 boys (including myself) had a 13 or below body fat % and were considered to be “very athletic” by the scale. Nothing like a digital scale to completely bash your self image or make you feel great again. (Editor’s note: let it be duly noted that I didn’t reveal the identities of anyone’s actual weight, body fat % or BMI other than myself in this Blog entry. Also, it is completely ok to be in the “normal” category. That’s what makes it normal. Normality does not = Fat A.)

I’m taking Interpersonal Communication (SPCM 1500) this semester. It seemed like a step back, but I will end up needing it to graduate, so I humbled myself and did it. I’m up early on M/W/F with a bunch of freshmen taking this entry level coarse. I wasn’t looking forward to it until the professor walked in on the first day. I’m not saying that I fully intend to end up with anyone other than a local girl, but there is something really attractive about a foreign female. This instructor, who is a doctoral candidate (and only 23 years old), is nothing short of fine. She is of the same Latino flavor as Salma Hayek or Eva Longoria. Me Gusta! Needless to say, I will not have a problem with the attendance policy in this particular class.

I have received three emails regarding my previous Blog inquiring as to “how are you doing today” and “are you doing alright”. Let me take this opportunity to tell you all (Apparently I have more than two readers) that I will be ok and pull through this ‘slump’. I guess I’m just going through an emotional low, but all will be ok in time. I can’t tell you guys how appreciative, or flattered I was at the responses. It really helped make a dreadful day into, well, still a dreadful day, but on a lesser scale.

More later...