Monday, February 13
STUDIO 48 -- Ahh, yes. The air is crisp. The sky is clear. Every mid-February, the cherry trees on campus begin to blossom. Sanford Drive is lined with them – hundreds of them. Are they really that beautiful, or is just that it has been four months since I’ve seen anything at all bloom and my senses are just so excited and stimulated to see some color in nature. I’m not sure, but I do know that I like it. It is comforting on some weird level. It is almost as if God himself is saying, “I’m still here, even though the winter is long, cold and dark. I’ve been here the whole time.” I guess I need a reminder like that sometimes -- we all do. I love it when the pink and white flowers rejuvenate. That, along with the beginning of the Diamond Dogs season signals that winter is nearly over and spring is going to make it to Athens, Georgia for at least another year. It gives a little bit of hope.